Why Should I Hire A Marketing Company?

Hiring a marketing company in today’s digital landscape goes beyond simply placing ads on specific pages or creating social media pages that only have small updates here and there. A growing number of large companies have transitioned a majority of their efforts to digital marketing compared to physical. Over $356 billion were spent on digital advertising in 2020 alone, with that figure expected to grow to $460 billion by 2024.

Different Types of Digital Marketing and Advertising

Any new small business owner has most likely come across offers from Google or Facebook Ads during the creation and registration of their company. These are some of the closest examples of marketing approaches that mimic physical, replacing billboards and newspaper ad spots with advertisements placed directly on the screen for all visitors to see.

Another evolution of physical media is the transition of magazines and newspaper to online publications, turning your traditional article or product spotlight into a multi-faceted tool for online exposure. On top of the initial exposure that a published article or press release has, releasing it only adds the ability to tailor the words used for more than being a good read.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the name of the game for online publications. Whether it’s a blog post, social media announcement or tailored content, marketing experts can place keywords into the body of the message to increase traffic and viewership. Doing so with a natural flow to it takes more than just knowledge of which keywords work best.

It Takes Personality, Not Just Business Expertise

Internet marketing campaigns have to focus on the human touch for natural flow and feel to be present at all times. Today’s internet user has grow accustom to ads and is able to spot a generic advertisement and disregard it at record speeds. Between your phone, computer and television, there is a screen within sight at almost every point of your daily routine.

Creating a digital marketing plan takes advantage of this record-high amount of screen time by striking a balance between catching the eye of a user and offering something in their content of value. This can be knowledge of an industry, data regarding studies or even a relevant factoid that they can then go and share with others.

Don’t Let Your Business Fall Victim to Oversaturation

Natural planting of these seeds in the mind of every visitor is how you can stand out amongst the millions of other small businesses found in the United States. Every business has access to place ads through Google or Facebook, both with basic ad creation tools available. What this means is that every business that goes online can post ads created in similar manners that end up looking like cookie-cutter examples of each other.

Breaking out of this cycle of digital marketing assets that look like they were made with a free template is how you take your business to the next level of brand recognition amongst the sea of competitors.

Not sure where to start? Take a look at the services we offer to see just how deep the digital marketing rabbit hole goes, and how we’re equipped to tackle any level of marketing campaign for your business. Don’t spend another day going undiscovered.

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