Power Up Your Campaign With Video Marketing

If you’re trying to decide the next avenue to take your marketing down, video marketing provides some of the best returns on investment compared to other forms of digital advertising. Creating content that informs, entertains or educates consumers will stand out against the normally controversial or generic content found on popular feeds.

Whether your brand is already established or video marketing will be part of the launch, Kick Digital Media is here to help you make the most out of your content. High-quality videos lead to high-quality views that convert more often than those garnered from cookie-cutter videos your potential customers have seen a thousand times before.

How Does Video Marketing Perform So Well?

The average person spends over twice as much time watching videos as they did in 2018. While a large portion of this is attributed to the increased time spent indoors over the last few years, remote life and digital content have become mainstays that aren’t losing steam any time soon.

Video marketing creates a human connection between your brand and potential customers while also establishing your company as an authority within your industry. Whether it’s a highly-technical field or a new clothing brand, video marketing lets you share the company’s mission, values and offerings in a way that everyone can understand.

An advantage video marketing has over traditional paper and billboard advertising is that videos are much more lively and engaging, leaving other marketing strategies looking dull in comparison. With a screen in every pocket, short videos are an easy and effective addition to any marketing campaign.

What Are the Keys to Customer Engagement?

The goal of any marketing campaign is engagement. Whether it’s a purchase, like or share, it’s a win. Engaging consumers in a way that leaves a lasting impression is by turning your regular sales pitch into the story of your product or service. Avoid using jargon special to your industry as the goal is to be as accessible as possible. If a consumer doesn’t understand an advertisement, they’ll either ignore it or go a step further and view your entire company through a confused lens.

Video marketing removes the guesswork out of how a consumer interprets an ad as well. The narrative given through the script, acting and graphics can be spun to fit the desired outcome such as evoking an emotion or getting a consumer to complete a contact form. Consumers are happy to take the extra step asked of them by a video as they haven’t had to invest any energy and only minimal time up to that point.

Make Sure Video Marketing Is Part of Your Next Campaign

Are you ready to take your branding to the next level? Kick Digital Marketing is here to help you leverage the latest trends in advertising to boost interactions and engagement. There’s no reason to remain chained to static, analog marketing that’s quickly being phased out. Contact our team today to get started on your next big marketing campaign.

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